Why Texas?

The biggest question that I’ve gotten recently is…”Why do you keep traveling to Texas to do a show?” The answer is simple, although it really has been challenging. Answer: Colorado does not have a show like this!

It all started last year in November. I had a friend that lives in Texas reach out and ask if I had ever heard of a giant trade show in Canton, Texas. She explained how well known it was to Texans and that she felt my blankets would do really well! Excited, I began to do my research and found out the cost of my booth space.

What people don’t know is that there is a waiting list to get into this show and it takes a vendor backing out of the show to get accepted. I put myself on the list and got a call for December a n d for January but due to personal reasons I had to pass. Breaking my heart each time I had to choose to say no. Simply hoping that in the new year there would be room for B*B. Being a one woman operation means that I can only do what I can, and the rest God takes care of. He provided for this, and I started exactly when I was supposed to.

Finally! At the beginning of January I got all booked to begin the First Monday’s Trade Show in Canton. Having absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into. I spent the month making, planning and preparing. I found an adorable AirBnb that was priced really well! I spoke to my cousin that lives in Colorado to see if he was available to drive with me AND I contacted my cousins that live in Texas to notify them that I would be coming out. (In all honesty, I wanted to see them and was excited to see them, especially if I was going to be only an hour away). This was H U G E for my soul! I love and miss them so much!

For the first show in February, I loaded up my parent’s car, and left at 1am on a Wednesday morning for Canton, Texas with my cousin. He did the first shift and I slept, then I drove the rest of the way. We unloaded, set everything up, and got to the AirBnB Wednesday night exhausted and ready for Day 1 to begin on Thursday.

To say my first day was successful is an understatement. This wasn’t my first show but it was my FIRST travel show. I was shocked!! It was just the encouragement I was praying for. But it began the ever growing question… How am I going to continue doing this?

I met the most incredible people this weekend. Stacey and Phillip with “The Sassy Sister” which has become one of my fan favorite boutiques. Jason with Electric Road, LLC selling all sorts of scooters,, Kendra and Mike selling handmade patio furniture (gorgeous), Jared and Debbie with JnD Resale and Ashley with Modern Mix. These are friendships that have lasted to this very day!! I will tag all of these amazing businesses at the bottom of this post and on my social media pages. Supporting a small business supports a family directly – this single mama knows this better than most. But I can affirm with confidence that these are businesses worth investing in.

Anyway…. 😊 I didn’t get to this place on my own. Trust me! Continuing to come out to Texas once a month is a challenge. I had to figure out a better way to travel. My blankets are a lot to lug back and forth. The drive isn’t horrible but driving at night is exhausting. I also wanted to decrease my cost for the show and increase my profit. You know, normal business decisions and such. Which always gives me a headache and is my least favorite part of the job. All I want to do all day is make blankets. But alas I must do each part of this business to the best of my ability.

I am so glad that God provided in allowing me to continue to come to Canton! It is solely because of amazing people that believe in me and the mission of B*B. All the areas that I prayed that the Lord would aid me in have been answered. While I still have areas that need a little more ironing out, time has slowly created answers.

I must say, HUGE shoutout to my cousin Joe for taking time to support me and travel with me to almost e v e r y show! 🙌🏼 He keeps me safe, makes sure I eat and drink water (which I forget…), and keeps me company as we shop, dream and goof around with our vendor friends. Thanks Joe! Couldn’t do this without your constant support!

My cousin’s here in Texas have been gracious enough to allow me to stay with them as well as store my Texas Blanket Inventory at their house. Talk about LUCKY! 🍀 They even enjoy coming to the show and helping me sell! Although, Texas heat is rough… so supporting me in the summer is difficult for all of us! Still, they open their home, and allow me into their lives. The bonus joy is the fact that I suddenly have gotten to see them way more often than I ever have. It’s been one of the greatest blessings I could ever ask for!

The Sassy Sister with Stacey and Phillip are my neighbor vendors and I call them my show parents. They too take excellent care of me. Ensuring that I have made it to and from Texas safely, as well as, storing my tables and crates for me with their supplies. Every month I end up buying something from them… what can I say, they have the cutest most unique stuff and I have no control. Well… not true I have a lot of control but the girl wants what she wants! 💁🏼‍♀️

So here is the biggest reason why I keep going to Texas. It’s because I LOVE it! It’s a consistent show to do all year long, with excellent walk through. I have fallen in LOVE with my show family. And while I don’t live in Texas I have really enjoyed traveling to and from Texas. Let me tell ya, it comes with some crazy stories, but it has been an adventure I never thought would be possible to achieve in my life.

Also, it has helped me fund my new website which was a LOT of work … .and a pretty penny to create. I knew I needed help and was able to hire a great team to assist me. Relying on farmers markets and local shows were a little more risky. Plus, as a bonus, by going to different places I have learned that there are different interests and attractions. Which allows B*B to be ever growing and evolving.

Not to mention that God really has desired to share this mission with a wider net, so they say. In my prayers over the last year, I have been confused by what He has meant when he tells me that He has new people to reach. But as I’ve met some really great people at this show, I can more clearly understand the words He has whispered into my heart. “His people are loved, and He desires for them to seek Him and what He has to offer them first. His comfort, His grace, His love before going to this world for answers.” A blanket might seem like a silly reminder of this, but with each one that I make; custom or not, He already knows exactly who it is going to. From there, He will do the work with them.

So I might not have a twang at heart, but I sure have come to appreciate a lot of what Texas has to offer. I am not short of things to be grateful for. Even in the trial and tribulations that this business has faced. I have loved the opportunity to get my feet wet with travel shows, fully knowing that more are coming…and cannot express the impact it has on me to meet such incredible and encouraging people selling and sharing their own businesses around me.

So next time you are considering supporting a small business, know that it affects them directly. Their lives, their income, their faith, and what the Lord has called them to do.

Many blessings to you!

8 thoughts on “Why Texas?”

  1. This is an awesome story. I am so glad you have become profitable, and continue to travel to Canton. I bet the Winter months will be great for you. Hope to see you ion November and possibly December.

    1. Thank you so much for reading my blog post! I am hoping to get more up. I certainly have an interesting story and look forward to sharing more of it. I will definitely be out in November but most likely will not make it out in December.

  2. God bless you and keep you safe 🙏 ❤️ You’re in my prayers always 🙏 This was an inspiring story. Keep up the good work 👏 Love you lots ❤️

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